

Formaldehyde is a common harmful gas in newly renovated homes, which often causes people to worry about whether it will affect their health. Especially for families with children, parents are worried that formaldehyde will harm their children's health. Did the formalin in the new house affect Darling? This article will analyze and discuss it from multiple perspectives.

First, let’s analyze the impact of formaldehyde on babies. Since the baby's physical health development has not yet been fully mature, the development of the immune system is relatively weak, and therefore the resistance to harmful substances is low.

For babies’ health, the harm of formaldehyde is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Irritating the eyes and respiratory tract: Formaldehyde gas has a strong irritating effect on the eyes and respiratory tract. Long-term exposure to these low concentrations of formaldehyde will increase a baby's risk of contracting conjunctivitis,除甲醛噴霧推介 rhinitis, bronchitis and other diseases.

Immune system damage: Formaldehyde may also damage the baby's immune system, reduce the body's resistance, and make the baby susceptible to illness.

Damage to the blood management system: Long-term exposure to high concentrations of formaldehyde may also cause serious damage to the development of the baby's blood information system, such as causing anemia, leukopenia, etc.

Cancer risk: Formaldehyde is a potential carcinogen. Long-term exposure to high concentrations of formaldehyde will increase the risk of children suffering from malignant diseases such as nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia.

Therefore, newly renovated families, especially families with children, need to pay attention to indoor formaldehyde content.

So, how to reduce the harm of formaldehyde to babies in a new home?

Choose environmentally friendly materials: When decorating, you should try your best to choose a decoration project material that meets environmental protection technical standards and is low-formaldehyde or formaldehyde-free. In this way we can fundamentally reduce the amount of formaldehyde released.

Maintain indoor ventilation: Open windows regularly for ventilation, so that indoor and outdoor air can be fully exchanged, which helps to reduce indoor formaldehyde concentration. Especially in the early stages of renovation, windows should be opened for ventilation as much as possible.

Use an air purifier: For newly renovated homes, you can use an air purifier to reduce indoor formaldehyde levels. A high-quality air purifier can effectively filter out formaldehyde and other harmful gases in the air.

Activated carbon adsorption: Activated carbon is a material with adsorption function that can absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde in the room. The adsorption effect of activated carbon is related to the pore size, specific surface area and temperature of activated carbon. When using activated carbon to remove formaldehyde, the activated carbon needs to be replaced regularly to ensure the adsorption effect.

Professional formaldehyde removal service: If the above methods cannot meet your needs, you can consider a professional formaldehyde removal service company for indoor air management. Professional formaldehyde removal service companies will use scientific methods to remove indoor formaldehyde and other harmful gases through physical adsorption, decomposition reactions, etc., to achieve fast and effective treatment results. However, it is important to choose a formal formaldehyde removal service company and avoid using substandard or unsafe formaldehyde removal methods.

Check the indoor air quality regularly: Check the indoor air quality regularly after moving into your new home, especially if you have a baby. If indoor formaldehyde is found to exceed the standard, measures should be taken promptly to reduce the formaldehyde content.

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